Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Goodbye 79 Grainger Street

Way back in December of 2010 we looked around an empty shell of a shop on Grainger Street, trying to find a new home for Made in Newcastle. We had peered into its windows many times, having fallen in love with the staircase and the large space at the back, not to mention great location.

Potential sparked and crackled off the walls. The weather was cold but a warm glow came from within 79 Grainger Street as we got to work transforming it into our new home.

Viewing MiN 2Work in Progress at MiN 2

It was a miraculous transformation, in as little as 10 days we brought the shop into being. We tamed the horror of the fridge on the first floor, found new ways to make floors and ended up with a cosy spot to hide and make during the long Winter months.

Ready to Go!

It's been a whirlwind ride. There's always been something going on at 79 Grainger Street, a regular hive of activity for all involved. Spring brought a nice fresh look to the shop, it was so nice to see that we picked a spot that the sun would sit on for most of the day.

Draw of Awesome

During Spring we got many visitors to the shop, some new friends, some old. Some fury, some frilly.

A VisitorWith Art

It's hard to believe we were in there a whole six months. It went by so quickly. It felt even faster than when we were in 22 Nun Street for those short three months. Time is a funny thing. We've come a long way, we've all grown a bit in our own way.

The Last SaturdayRecord Cake Stand

Goodbye 79 Grainger Street. I will miss you, you crazy, messed up, brilliant shop. We will all miss you. Thanks.